Desde la antigüedad, los humanos han utilizado y desarrollado rituales de purificación para acceder a niveles más altos de comprensión y conciencia, así como a la renovación de la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu a través de lo que el sintoísmo japonés llama Misogi. (purificación del agua) mediante el lavado de impurezas o energías oscuras en un río, cascada o mar, y Misogi-no-kokyu-ho (purificación mediante la respiración), una limpieza de los órganos y sistemas internos mediante la práctica de respiración profunda y consciente.
La respiración de poder es el núcleo del sistema de entrenamiento cruzado Martial Fusion®, que sincroniza los estados físicos, psicológicos, emocionales y energéticos de una manera armoniosa dentro de nosotros mismos, los demás y el mundo.
El poder de la respiración, también llamado "Kokyu" en japonés o regulación de la respiración como se define en el yoga "Pranayama", es un ritual de auto-purificación efectivo para desatascar el sistema mientras activa los centros de energía también conocidos como chakras y promueve la circulación de KI (energía vital). mediante las líneas de los meridianos del cuerpo.

Purification cleansing rituals have been used and developed by mystics and sages throughout time to access higher levels of understanding and awareness, as well as mind-body-spirit renewal, through what the Japanese Shinto calls Misogi (water purification) by washing away impurities or obscure energies in a river, waterfall, or sea, and Misogi-no-kokyu-ho (purification through breath).
Misogi is the core practice of Martial Fusion at Zenbu Dojo. It involves harmoniously synchronizing physical, psychological, emotional, and higher energetic states within ourselves, others, and the world.
Breath power also called "Kokyu" in Japanese, is a self-purification ritual that declogs the system, activates the body's energy centers, and promotes the cultivation and circulation of KI (vital energy) through the entire system.
The concept of Chakra originates in Hindu texts and features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Its name derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning". The Chakras are believed to be a number of wheel-like vortices which, according to traditional Indian medicine, exist in the surface of the subtle body of living beings. Chakras are referred to as "energy centers" or whorls of energy, they are considered focal points for the reception and transmission of energies.
A Chakra is the interface point between the physical and non-physical form, they lie along a linear pathway (along the spine) from the Crown Chakra to the Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine. The best-known system in the West has seven Chakras; (Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root). Activation and balance of energy flow in the Chakras allows the body system to be at optimal with the higher self.

(Color: RED - Adrenal gland)
Located at the lower tip of the spine and relates to our sense of survival, earth, and security. When it is balanced, one feels grounded and stable. When it is out of alignment, one feels fearful, insecure and overly attached to material things -- ultimately disconnected from life.
(Color: ORANGE - Gonad gland)
Located in the pelvis and sexual organs, coordinates the instincts, gives attuning with water energies and correspond to the moon-influences and to the magnetic forces. When it is balanced, one is creative and connects well with others. When it is out of alignment, lust tends to dominate.
(Color: YELLOW - Pancreas)
Located at the stomach and navel center and is our center of power, also known as "Hara" center of power in Far-eastern traditions (the adrenal glands). Corresponds to the Sun-influence and the electric power. Coordinates ambition, ego, will-power, dynamism and expansion.
(Color: GREEN - Thymus gland)
Located in the middle of the chest, at the level of the heart (the thymus gland) of the body and is our seat of love and compassion. It is where our animal self meets our spirit self and also where we find our humanity. When it is balanced, one is capable of love, affection, compassion, forgiveness and selflessness.
(Color: BLUE - Thyroid gland)
Located in the neck and throat area (the thyroid gland) and is our center of communication. Corresponds to the very basic energy of the Universe. When it is balanced, creativity and deep intelligence are manifested.
(Color: INDIGO - Pituitary gland)
Located at the center of the forehead and just above the eyebrows (the pituitary gland) and is our center of deep insight and intuition. When it is balanced, one is keenly aware of surroundings and can pick up signals (telepathy, hypnosis, clairvoyance, etc) much like a radio receiver. When it is out of alignment, one's thinking is unclear.
(Color: VIOLET - Pineal gland)
Located at the top of the head (above the physical body) and is the center that synthesizes all the others, our connection to the Infinite (the pineal gland). Often called the 1000 petaled lotus, when balanced, one feels a strong connection with everything. When it is out of alignment, one feels disconnected and depressed, as if something is missing.