Zenbu Dojo is a private martial art school for adults above the age of 18.
We are not a commercial training facility. Individuals seeking membership must keep this in mind. Training at Zenbu Dojo requires discipline, integrity, dedication and commitment.
The first step for a candidate seeking Zenbu Dojo membership and wishing to enter into a Sensei/Deshi (Teacher/Student) relationship is to apply for a trial membership in person during a visit to observe training.
Membership information will be provided only in person at Zenbu Dojo.
Visitors from other dojos are welcome to train at Zenbu Dojo. In order to do so, contact us first to schedule your visit ahead of time. The guest training fee is $25 per class. We do not accept walk-in guests without prior scheduling.
First time visitors, please arrive 30 minutes before training for setup.